Thursday, May 21, 2015

Can a Hunter Save Black Rhinos by Killing one in Namibia?

BJ Fogg's Behavorial Change Model

What Resonated?
            It does not matter if you are an anti-hunter or pro-hunter. What matters is conservation. You can still care about conservation. In the end, that is what I have done for the Black Rhino by donating this money.

  1. Sensation:  Pleasure/Pain  
Mr. Knowlton began his remarks talking about how he believes in his “heart” that what he is doing is a positive thing. The fact that he states his conviction   resonates with those who are like him or may even be on the fence.

  1. Anticipation:  Hope/Fear
The Rhino was killing other male rhinos in their prime breeding age and may even kill someone. The fear of this happening is stated as the original reason of why this particular rhino was chosen.
  1. Cohesion: Acceptance/Rejection
He is telling the audience that they have to accept this. The village that was fed with the meat accepted the killing. If they did, you should too. If you believe in feeding poor Africans, you need to accept this as a good thing. Would you rather that these poor people starve?

  1. Simplicity:  
Mr. Knowlton’s reason behind his decision is very cut and dry. He did this to
save other rhinos, feed a village, and donate money to conservation. "We want to help preserve things in which we value" said Knowlton. Corey values the conservation side of hunting and was willing to donate big bucks to prove it.


a. Facilitator:
CNN had Mr. Knowlton on for a one on one interview and a chance to explain himself.   He agrees that the auction may not be the best way to go about this but it was the money raised that also made this a viable option. He states: "we shouldn't be complicit in helping rhinos." In the end, it is the controversy itself that has helped raise awareness about the black rhino. The fact that this has become a controversy has brought this issue to the forefront and that has done more than any anti-hunting group could ever do. He says that no matter what "I have made people aware." Then he concludes with this: "nobody came in and put a lower bid on it than the anti hunting community. They could have bid on it but instead, they threatened bidders away." This essentially states his conviction that if other people really had an issue with it, they could have gotten involved in the bidding process and had stake in the game. If they really cared as much as he did, they could have outbid him. In the end, Corey establishes his arguement that what he has done is for the good of conservation and brought awareness to the issue to the forefront and has helped an entire village as a by-product.



  1. A great exercise in justification.

  2. I recently listened to a radio program on this very subject. I hadn't realized how much conservation and other good things are being done with the money from these very expensive exotic animal hunting tags. The numbers are staggering! It is an interesting idea to use the money from killing these animals to help conserve the species. The idea leaves you not knowing how to feel about it; doing something positive through destruction. It curious how this particular hunter has a southern accent; plays into the stereotype of hunters. Thank you for your post and for making us think.
